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Understanding Low Back Pain & Acupuncture

If you are struggling with low back pain and are curious about how acupuncture can help, this article should help. The intention of this article is to help you in understanding low back pain and acupuncture and why acupuncture is your best option for treating low back pain.

There is A Lot of Back Pain in the World

Let’s talk about low back pain and acupuncture and how it heals the root cause of low back pain. Chronic back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention in the United States.

Millions of work days and hours of activity are lost due to low back pain each year.  It’s estimated that nearly 80% of the people in the United States will be affected by back pain sometime in their life.  So it’s a pretty big deal.

The 3 Most Common Causes of Back Pain

There are many different root causes of back pain in acupuncture theory.  And we have to treat them all differently.  So, let’s talk about the 3 most common types of back pain that I see in my practice, their root cause and what we would do, as an acupuncturist, to correct the problem.

Qi Stagnation

QI stagnation causes the first type of back pain.  Remember, Qi is the healing power of the body and its unrestricted flow is essential for the health of the back.

A garden hose would be a good representation of this type of back pain.  The channel that runs through the back would be the garden hose and the water running in the hose would be the qi.  Imagine the hose having a kink in it and the water (or qi) would be unable to get to the back. Pain would be the result.

The qi, the healing power of the body, simply cannot get to that area of the back and that creates pain.  This type of pain would be treated by acupuncture needles placed in the body to open up the kinks in the hose and getting the qi to flow through the back where the pain is located.  The pain will go away when this is accomplished.

Kidney Deficiency

Kidney deficiency causes the second most common type of back pain.

In acupuncture theory, the kidney and bladder meridians govern the back. When there is a deficiency in the kidney, this may create a negative effect on the the body resulting in weakness, stiffness and/or pain in the back.

The analogy of the garden hose would work in this case too. The hose would represent the kidney channel that flows through the back and the water this time would represent the strength of the kidney or the pressure of the water. Instead of the qi being blocked as in qi stagnation, the amount of water would be very small –  a tiny trickle inside of the hose.

This would represent a deficiency of energy available to strengthen the back. The treatment involve increasing the energy of the kidney channel in order to support the back and eliminating the pain.

Blood Stagnation

Blood stagnation in the lower back causes the 3rd type of back pain.

This is a severe form of stabbing pain in the lower back upon movement or rest.  his can be the result of blood stagnation in the lower back. This is usually a result of long-term qi stagnation which eventually causes the flow of blood in the affected area to become blocked. Not only is the qi blocked but the blood is blocked also. Since qi is also responsible for the movement of blood in the body, the longer that qi stagnation occurs, the more likely blood stagnation will take place.

Blood stagnation in the lower back is probably the most painful of any type of back pain. 

It may present itself as a result of physical issues such as injury due to a trauma, over exposure to the environment, overwork, or emotional issues such as long-term stress.  Treatment would include simply moving the blood and qi. The pain will dissipate when this is accomplished.

Low Back Pain and Acupuncture Success Rate

Most of the patients that we see suffering with back pain have tried many different modalities without much success.

Most, probably 90%, respond to acupuncture treatments very well and see a difference in their pain levels fairly quickly.  Remember that each patient is unique. 

The length of treatment needed will vary with each person.  This is because of the length of time the problem has been with them, their age, their individual speed of healing, as well as the location and severity of their injury.

Patient Experiences

Here’s a quick story of a client who had an amazing outcome with a severe bout of back pain:

I had a patient who had been struggling with pretty severe back pain for a couple of years.  He had tried many different methods of dealing with the pain including physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments and steroid injections.  His M.D. had started the conversation about surgery. His frustration led him to decide to try acupuncture as a last resort.  After spending some time with him figuring out what the root cause of the back pain was, we started treatment.   About halfway through his first treatment he realized that his back pain had been reduced by 50% .  Things progressed fairly quickly and in a couple of months he was free from pain.  He was thrilled with the results and makes it a point to come in once a month as a part of his self care routine.

Low Back Pain and Acupuncture Popularity

The use of acupuncture to treat back pain has increased dramatically in the past few years.  This is largely due to word-of-mouth success stories from patients who have tried acupuncture. Remember, acupuncture works to restore the harmony and energetic balance in the body. This stimulates the body’s own natural healing ability. In the hands of a skilled acupuncturist, acupuncture can be a great way of eliminating back pain.

Do You Need help?

So if you feel like we could help you, here’s what you should do next:

Visit our website at www.energetichealth.net and get our free mini book so you can get a clear overview of our process to see if we can help you.

Then call our office at 435-359-1479 – Amy will answer your call and I guarantee you will enjoy talking to her.

Kurt Redmond
Energetic Health Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture St. George, Utah
Find Us on Facebook

Chronic back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention.

Millions of work days and countless hours of activity and fun are lost each year due to this malady. It is estimated that nearly 80% of the people in United States will be affected by back pain sometime in their life.

There are several common medical causes of back pain; the most common is caused by lumbar muscle strain. Although this is the most common form of lower back pain, often patients do not remember the initial event that triggered their muscle spasm. This type of back pain will usually completely resolve itself within a relatively short period of time.

A ruptured intervertebral disc, often referred to as a herniated disc, is also a very common cause of back pain. In this case, the disc that sits between the vertebrae bulges out of its place, creating pain. Back pain of this nature often takes longer to heal and may become chronic.

Spinal stenosis is a fairly common occurrence as we age. As we age the spinal canal can become constricted possibly due to arthritis and other conditions. If the spinal canal becomes too tight, back pain can be the result.

The most common type of arthritis usually affects joints such as the knees and fingers.

However, arthritis can affect any joint in the body including the small joints of the spine creating pain with any type of movement or activity.

Acupuncture’s vocabulary is very different from Western medicine. There are actually several different patterns of back pain.

Liver Qi Stagnation

According to acupuncture theory, Qi (the body’s vital energy) must flow freely without any restriction for health to be abundant. The liver organ governs the free flow of Qi in all areas of the body including the back. Any blockage or stagnation to the free flow of this energy in the back will result in pain and stiffness. In cases where the back pain reoccurs chronically, this can indicate an underlying problem with the stagnation of Qi.

Kidney Deficiency

In acupuncture theory, the kidney and bladder meridians govern the back. When there is a Qi deficiency in Kidney Yin or Kidney Yang, this may create a negative effect on the posterior of the body resulting in weakness, stiffness and/or pain in the back.

Blood stagnation in the lower back

A severe form of stabbing pain in the lower back upon movement or rest, can be the result of blood stagnation in the lower back. This is usually a result of long-term Qi stagnation which eventually causes the flow of blood in the affected area to become blocked. Since Qi is also responsible for the movement of blood in the body, the longer that Qi stagnation occurs, the more likely blood stagnation will take place. Blood stagnation in the lower back may present itself as a result of physical issues such as injury due to a trauma, exposure to cold wind, overwork, or emotional issues such as long-term stress.

Invasion of Wind Cold

Acupuncture believes that the kidneys are susceptible to invasion of wind cold or damp cold. This may occur when the lower back is frequently exposed to cold or damp weather resulting in depletion of the Kidney Yang energies. This can create stagnation of Qi in the affected area and is differentiated from other types of back pain by symptoms such as feeling of cold or tightness in the lower back and low-energy.

Most of the patients that we see suffering with back pain have tried many different modalities without much success. Most respond to acupuncture treatments very well and see a difference in their pain levels fairly quickly. Each patient is unique with many different variables involved, such as the length of time the problem has been with them, their age, their individual speed of healing, the severity of the injury as well as the location of their injury and the intensity of their pain.

The use of acupuncture to treat back pain has increased dramatically in the past few years, largely due to word-of-mouth successes in patients who have tried acupuncture. Acupuncture works to restore the harmony and energetic balance in the body which stimulates the body’s own natural healing ability. In the hands of a skilled acupuncturist, acupuncture can be a great way of eliminating back pain.

Kurt Redmond
Acupuncturist St. George
Vision Acupuncture Specialist
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