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Acupuncture May Be Able to Help You

This article is for those of you that have been on the fence or unclear about how acupuncture can help you.  Hopefully after you read this it will help to clarify if you’re an ideal fit for what our clinic has to offer.

How Does Acupuncture Help?

Explaining how acupuncture works can be challenging, but it may help if you imagine an electrified web that wraps around your entire body. Every single cell in your body is connected through this web and is in a constant state of movement and regeneration.

Therefore, to maintain the health of your body, old cells have to be broken down and, in addition, new ones reconstructed. This process happens every second throughout one’s life. In addition, for this task, the cell needs the material and energy for the reconstruction, and in acupuncture theory this material and energy is referred to as “Qi”.

Explaining Stagnation

Problems occur when there is stagnation, or a “traffic jam” in the flow of Qi. Cells connected with lines that are “jammed up” are unable to perform their tasks. This results in signals from the body that something is wrong.

Acupuncture Can Help Many Issues

The most common signal that the body sends is pain, which tells us that there is a blockage of qi and blood. There are other signs, such as digestive issues, poor sleep, hormonal imbalance, elevated blood pressures,memory issues, Macular degeneration, frequent colds, fatigue… The list goes on.

We all have tangled energy circuits in different parts of our bodies. And our bodies in its wisdom compensates, until the load becomes too much to handle.  However, acupuncture treatments simply disentangle the energy pathways and allow the innate healing power within your body to stop the pain or correct the problem.

If Acupuncture Can Help Me, What is a Treatment Like?

On your first treatment, we’ll go through your health history and,in addition, spend some time talking about your conditions and how they are affecting your energy circuits.

After that, some diagnostic testing will be done to make sure we have a correct Chinese medical diagnosis.  These include Chinese pulse (21 different positions, 80 different pulse types and 9 depths), tongue diagnosis (different areas of the tongue correspond to different organ systems) and a Japanese hara testing that confirms what we’ve seen.

The Acupuncture Treatment

Then we’ll do an acupuncture treatment and let you rest for 30 minutes.  The entire treatment will take about 2 hours.  Follow up treatments will usually take an hour or so.

It may be interesting to you that during the acupuncture treatment most of our patients fall asleep and are actually surprised at how little they feel the needles. They may feel a slight sensation or “tingling” which is considered normal and actually shows that the treatment is working.  We have never had a patient refuse treatment because of pain.

How Much Would it Cost for Acupuncture to Help You?

The cost of the initial treatment is $145.00.  This includes going over your health history, the pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, and Japanese Hara diagnosis followed by an acupuncture treatment. Subsequently, follow up treatments are $75.00.

Length of treatment varies from patient to patient.  Some will see great improvement in 4 – 6 treatments while others will take longer.  However, the longer you’ve had the condition seems to be a factor in how quickly you respond.  Remember, acupuncture is healing the body at the root of the problem and, as a result, you’ll need to be patient as the body heals.

What Can Increase the Chances of Acupuncture Helping?

Above all, the patients that have the most success in our clinic share certain characteristics.  First of all, if they are suffering from illness or pain they are very motivated to do everything possible to recover.

In addition, they’re committed to getting better and their well being is a top priority.  Moreover, they’re willing to follow our recommendations and are committed to making the changes that are necessary to help their bodies heal.  We will expect you to follow our office policies, do what we ask you to do and enjoy the healing process.

Patient Experiences

So grateful for Kurt & Amy! They truly care about their clients and make every visit a successful one. My husband struggled for months with health issues that seemed unsolvable. After only one week of visits, he started feeling so much better for the first time in months. He has seen Kurt now for over a month and he is almost 100% better. Thank you Energetic Health!!  MA

I am so thankful for finding Kurt. He has helped my health issues so much, is so knowledgeable, and has taught me also about the nutrition that I need for my body. After just a few treatments, my issues started disappearing and I am feeling like I have my life back. I would highly recommend him, and also his wife, Amy, who adds so much also to my visits.  CR

Do You Need Help?

In conclusion, I have seen firsthand the devastation that ill health can cause and I have seen firsthand how powerful acupuncture treatments can be in restoring health. I believe that we offer the best option for the elimination of pain and many different types of illness.  Please schedule a free 20 minute consultation with Kurt or call 435-359-1479 to learn if Acupuncture can help you.

Kurt Redmond
Energetic Health Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture St. George, Utah
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